Devta Name/Local Name/Vedic Name Rai Naag/ Shashdi Naag
Type (Rishi, Nag, etc) Naag
Powering Divinity (Jogini) Dhumeni – 16 Shauni
Associated Devtas Devta madelu, Devta Dhangu, Dania Nag,Paudia, Narsingh, Devi Mahakali.
Annual Fair (attended by which other deity) Chimti Birdhi- Nirshu- Birshu, Padei, Raie jach etc Jahru Nag, Nagela , Mati Singh.
Dussehra Participation/Place No


Location Distance from Kullu Directions Stay Options
Dethua Gram Panchayat Kote 214 km Kullu-Aut-Banjar-Jalori Pass-Ani-Nirmand-Dethua Hotels and Rest Houses at Nirmand.


Jal devta and a Bisht girl, who lived in the pond of Sugga-Sarpara, gave birth to nine Nags. They first gathered at Ghamaini Thatch. Eldest Nag called Rai advised others to go to different places. Because of having bigger body like Gaj (Elephant) he was also known as Gajai and because of ruling (Shashan) on other Nags he was also called Shashni. From Ghamaini, where it was the Ashram of Sain Balmiki, he came to Mula. He served Maharshi Balmiki who became pleased and blessed him. He lastly reached Dethwa where the people built a temple for him. The devta has ten mohras.

1.) Kaardaar – ☎-
2.) Goor- ☎-
3.) Priest/ ‘Pajiara’ – ☎-
Social Media ☎-
4.) Bhandari
5.) Kuthiala
6.) Ganthidaar
7.) Paalsara
8.) Kayath
9.) Banth
10.) Jathali
11.) Dhami
12.) Mohta
13.) Phoolahri
14.) Bausan/ Nagaari
15.) Karwal
16.) Jathera/Pogaldar
17.) Nashandar
18.) Naud
19.) Swangi
20.) Wari
21.) Badhei
22.) Sonar/Thathiaya
23.) Neehar
24.) Purohit
25.) Gayak
26.) Jamaani
27.) Bajantri

Devta Haariyan is the clan which follows the particular devta or devi – it can be a village or various villages or many parts of the district which follows the devta in functions, fair and festivals etc.

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